TCM Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is so special about the Two Comma Movement (TCM)?
A: The Two Comma Movement is the only one of its kind. We are utilizing the proprietary Deal Architect Development (DAD) System to help create a TWO COMMA NET WORTH for each & every individual member by attacking both sides of the balance sheet.
Important Note: The Deal Architect Development (DAD) System has 3 separate real estate components: a Done For You (DFY) component, a Done With You (DWY) component, & Do It Yourself (DIY) component. We all have an opportunity to learn the craft of Deal Architecture, which is a skill that can never be taken away. In addition, we have the opportunity to collaboratively create & profit share in a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio safer and faster than any of us could ever hope to achieve on our own.
Q: How do I join the Two Comma Movement and get started?
A: Get back to the person who referred you
Important Note: You will not have access to the Collaborative Real Estate Portfolio Pool distributions until you are vested. Get back to the member that referred you for more details.
TCM Frequently Asked Questions Cont'd:
Q: What is the subscription price?
A: The monthly subscription is $149.97.
Important Note: The monthly subscription for Mortgage-Ready Landlords & JV/Cash Partners, Home Buyer Partners & Wholesalers who aren't interested in learning Deal Architecture is $99.97.
Q: Can I choose to participate in the Real Estate Education & Collaborative Real Estate Portfolio Pool only?
A: Absolutely! The monthly subscription is still $149.97 Get back to the person that referred you to find out more.
Important Note: Certain qualifications apply to the Collaborative Real Estate Pool.